
Jan. 2020 I saw my first student test for 2nd degree black sash, Logan Urbeck.  Then in the summer of 2021 he achieved Shifu title (also my first student to reach this level).

Jan 2020 also saw a first degree test for black, Andrew Wilson (probationary til he turned 16 in June of 20).  In Summer of 2021, Andrew reached Laoshi title.

Christmas of 2020, Justin received his Teachers License.

Richard Cameron is approaching black sash, tentatively in November of 2022

About Shifu Read

Primary instructor of the school. Training in martial arts since he was 5. He started in kickboxing, then moved to XingYi at 18. At 32 he began training in BaGua. At 36 he began training in TaiJi. At 40, he began in BJJ. He loves to share his knowledge with his students and help them along in their own martial journey.
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